Monday, December 23, 2013

Green Mountain Grill fires up without a hitch in -35 cel after sitting several weeks & achieves a temperature of 465 degrees with newly installed insulated blanket. I found that with the blanket it preformed even better than it did in summer conditions as it went about 3 to 8 degrees higher than the set temperature. We turned power on and hit start button ,it did its thing but would only report temp of 32, ha  ha  as it was better than –35 ,  Waited about 4 minutes with smoke coming out and finally it started to rise at unbelievable rate to 150, checking the time at different settings for future use. Its unbelievable how well it responds to the touch, Oh did I mention that I was inside the house watching football in my favorite chair with you got it, a second remote in my hand and both T V & grill worked perfectly. We have tested many products over the years in winter or Artic conditions here in Canada and checking my notes your product with out any hesitation has scored the highest degree of functionality of all products that we tested.


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