How to go about Slip Bobbering for Trout & Walleye
Don't be afraid to experiment and vary the distance from your float to your bait, however. Deeper runs and pools, as well as float-shy fish in clear or shallow water, call for long leads. Conversely, if you spot fish suspended higher up in the water column, shorten your lead and get your bait up well off bottom.
Besides providing tremendous versatility in terms of depth control, the other main function of a float is as a strike indicator. A properly weighted float can be sensitive enough to detect even the lightest bite, while at the same time offering virtually no unnatural resistance to the striking fish.
It's critical to make your drifts as natural looking as possible leaving the bail open and slight pressure on line with your finger. This means keeping as much slack line off the water as possible, to minimize drag on the float caused by the surface currents carrying your slack line faster or slower than your float. Periodically mending your line, by either retrieving excess slack or flipping it in the opposite direction of the line drag, is needed in steady flows. Maintaining a bit of pull on your float as it moves downstream of your position will also allow your bait to drift ahead of the float
The Floats
Gone are the days of the red and white plastic bobbers we used as kids. Today's floats are significantly more advanced, and many avid trout fisherman carry an assortment to cover just about any situation and condition.
Pencil floats, tear-drop floats, clear-plastic floats and slip floats are the main varieties available.
The Tackle
Float fishing is the use of the long rod; float rods of 10-, 13- and even 15-feet in length are common. Long rods offer several advantages, first and foremost being the cushioning and shock absorbing protection they provide for the light lines and leaders used for steelhead. In addition, longer rods provide more control when fighting fish, and help to keep your line up off the water during long drifts. They also aid in casting, especially with long leaders.
Knuckle buster float reels are also becoming the norm on many lakes & steelhead waters. Their primary advantage over spinning reels is their ability to smoothly put out line to allow for long, natural drifts. Most models have no actual drag feature, requiring the angler's hand to apply a gentle brake to the reel & more often than not cracking your knuckles which is very painful
Quality spinning reels with smooth drags are the next best thing. Fishing with the bail open & your finger holding the line to feel the nibble, Bait casting reels however, are not recommended.
Whichever type of reel you choose, you'll need a quality monofilament line to spool onto it. Eight-pound test main line, along with a lighter leader of at least three feet in length, is probably the most popular combination.
Fluorocarbon lines, meanwhile, have come to dominate the leader line market. These lines offer near-invisibility under water, as well as abrasion resistance superior to monofilament. But don't take this as an invitation to use a heavier leader; between two- and six-pound test, depending upon water clarity, is best. High pound-test leaders are still more visible than light ones, and can also add unnatural stiffness to your bait presentation.
Another reason to use a light leader is to ensure that your main line is at least a couple pounds heavier than your leader. By connecting your leader to your main line below your float, either with a tiny, quality ball bearing swivel or knot, snags will usually snap off your lighter leader rather than your main line, thus preserving your float - often the most costly component of your terminal tackle.
Hooks and sinkers are the next piece of the puzzle, and small and light continue to be the way to go. Size 14 and 16 octopus or egg hooks are not too small, depending upon the size of the bait. As for weight, soft split shot, whether lead or some non-toxic material, from size No. 8 up to BB, are standard. The trick is to use just enough weight so that the float is "cocked" and ready to be pulled under by the lightest bite. Either bulk the shot together well above the hook, or space them out evenly from 18 to 24 inches above the hook right up to the float. Using progressively smaller sized shot from the float down helps impart a curve to the leader, allowing the bait to drift ahead of the float, ensuring that the fish sees your offering before seeing your float.
The Baits
Roe, or spawn, whether salmon, brown trout or rainbow, is probably the number one bait for steelhead. Roe offers tremendous versatility, allowing the angler to use everything from single salmon eggs for finicky fish, to quarter-sized egg clusters tied into mesh netting available in a multitude of colors.
The general rule of thumb is to stick with small, dime-sized bags - containing up to 21 rainbow eggs or 5 salmon eggs - in subtle colors such as white, yellow and orange, in clear water or on bright days, and larger bags in brighter colors such as chartreuse, hot pink and fluorescent orange, in muddier water, on overcast days or during other low light conditions. If you're unsure of what conditions you'll be facing, prepare a variety of sizes and colors to match whatever you may face. Our best colors night fishing was tender beige as it looked the most natural & produced the best results.
When roe isn't working, dew worms or night crawlers can be hot. Red and trout worms are also a spring bait.
Maggots, wax worms and mealworms are an overlooked trout bait, and that alone makes them a worth a try
Flies and Jigs
While roe is still the number one bait, artificial baits open up a whole other world of opportunities. In fact, many trout fisherman now catch more fish every year with artificial than with roe.
Flies are not just for fly fishing. Stone flies, woolly buggers, egg sucking leaches, Michigan Wigglers and woolly worms, as well as yarn flies, are all productive spring patterns under a float. Experiment with different sizes and colors until you find something the fish want.
Various colors of pan fish-sized tube jigs have become extremely productive trout bait in recent years. Again, experiment to match the color to the water conditions and light levels.
Buck tail and feather jigs, as well as curly tail grubs up to two inches in length, are not as popular for trout as tubes, but they too can be a productive bait.
One of the most effective baits recently has been three-inch plastic worms, particularly in pink. An import from the west coast, these baits have taken Trout Lakes by storm. Other popular colors include natural, white, red, orange and chartreuse.
Float fishing is certainly not the only way to hook up with some trout this spring, but few other methods are as versatile and effective. So load up your tackle box and experience some of the fabulous Trout Fishing all our Trout waters has to offer.
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